Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My Ten Straight Thumbs Up Movies


It's a rarity I don't complain about the films I watch. Either I've become numb and dull to films nowadays or I'm just liking everything I've been seeing- it's hard to tell. It wasn't until this past weekend when a reader mentioned to me how I liked the last ten films I've watched that I realized I haven't seen a bad film this summer. Granted, I opted out of the obvious missteps of 'G.I. Joe', 'Transformers 2' and 'Year One', but still... it's quite a feat. Here are my one-sentence reactions to those ten films:

1. Taking Woodstock- Signature detached emotions from Ang Lee with Woodstock nation as its backdrop.
2. Inglourious Basterds- My new favorite QT film is also the easiest of his films to be adapted to a stage play.
3. The Time Traveller's Wife- Just like 'The Notebook', cheesy, over the top but somehow still got me.
4. (500) Days of Summer- Best romantic comedy in years.
5. District 9- A better version of 'Cloverfield'.
6. The Hurt Locker- Will easily occupy the independent film slot at this year's Oscars and deservedly so.
7. Julie and Julia- I'm not sure who was more fun to watch- Streep over the top as Childs or Adams as a mopey wannabe.
8. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince- Full Review Here
9. The Hangover- Easiest laugh I've had all summer.
10. Up- Pixar predictably scores again.

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