Former location of my last residence. They've since bulldozed that building and constructed this fortress.

Also, renaming the street to "Learning Way". It'll always be Wildwood Drive to me.

There's actually a bus service that circulates the campus now. You can tell because there's a confusing map every 20 feet.

Wescott Building is still as gorgeous as ever.

I always thought Circle K was just a gas station.

It was as if the loner flyer on the empty bulletin board was summoning me.

My first Tallahassee home- Gilchrist Hall

Landis Green aka 'Lawn Where Girls With Low Esteem Sunbathes in Bikinis'
I sometimes lay out...on Landis Green...in a bikini!
I'm going back Friday. I miss campus; film school does not let you out of its stadium-set prison.
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